MRA Lifetime DOnors

MRA would like to recognize the generous donors who have supported the team over the decades. Without the steadfast commitment of our alumni, parents, and friends of the team, the Men and Women of the Michigan Men’s Rowing Team would not be nearly as successful.

$100,000 - Acra/ira donors

The Verbrugge Family, ‘76

Ken Myers, ‘01

The Morris Family, ‘02

Josh Klaff, ‘02

Jeff Baxter, ‘03

Matthew Hughes, ‘04

The Brock Family, ‘09

$75,000 - dad vail donors

John Whelan, ‘97

Patrick and Kristin Finn, ‘98

Jordon Lubahn, ‘02

Nicholas Sferrazza, ‘14

$50,000 - head of the charles donors

Katie Melzer, ‘00

Eric and Courtney Linenberg, ‘00 and ‘02

The Hastings Family

Michael and Betsy Vitton

$25,000 - macra donors

Donald Dossett, ‘76

Chris Booms, ‘95

Andreas Lazar, ‘95

Tonapi Family, ‘96

Scott and Alyssa Penwell, ‘98

DiLaura Family, ‘99

The Jackson Family, ‘00

Mauro Rossi, ‘00

Drew Stepanek, ‘01

Erik Hult, ‘05

Matthew Larson, ‘05

John and Karen Anderson

Drs. Jim and Jeanne Montie